- If the order or the item(s) in your order are not shipped, cancellation is possible. Click on ‘Orders’ and you will reach your order history.
- Click ‘Cancel’ for the order(s) you wish to cancel. You will be notified about the status within 2 hours.
- For prepaid orders, the order amount will be refunded back to your bank account within 7-14 business days, or as per your respective bank timelines.
- Please call our Customer Helpline @ +91 9994166888 for further support.
Returns & Refunds:
- We offer you complete peace of mind while ordering at SKMBESTEGGS. However, considering that damaged or opened products cannot be reused, we cannot accept the exchange or return of opened or used products once delivered or sold.
- In case of any quality issue with the product, we can exchange the product. All you need to do is give us a call (+91 9994166888) or email ( within 48 hours of delivery.
- Exchange of products will be accepted only if the products are returned in a saleable condition with the original receipt/tags and in their original packaging, in an undamaged condition.
- Once your return/refunds request has been accepted, the process will be completed within 7-14 business days.